Over 700,000 remain uninsured in North Carolina. We foster a safety net of accessible care.
Uninsured and underinsured North Carolinians are often denied the healthcare they need. Our member clinics connect residents throughout the state to healthcare regardless of their ability to pay.
Our Work
We advocate for the uninsured, represent our member clinics and their patients, and partner with key stakeholders in helping to meet the needs of our uninsured neighbors.
North Carolina Clinics by the Numbers
We're dedicated to advancing the health of every resident.
Patient Provider Visits
Unduplicated Patients Served
Value of Service Delivered

We use data and insights to lower system-wide barriers to accessible care and improve clinical outcomes.

Innovative Service Delivery
Our innovative health initiatives expand access to North Carolina residents through telehealth, mobile care, and a comprehensive regionalization strategy.

Leadership Development
We expand the capacity of member clinics through a strong business model that includes training on best administrative and clinical practices.
Join Us
As an NCAFCC member clinic, you'll become part of a network dedicated to improving the health of uninsured and underinsured patients.
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